Sunday, April 10, 2011


 I'm down to 215 for a total of 7.2 pounds lost, only about 32 more pounds to go!


Be prepared, because I am about to get all self-helpy on yer ass:

WATCH THE FOLLOWING VIDEO. I swear to God, it will change your life and make you see things from a new perspective. It involves two well known internet marketers, Frank Kern and John Reese, speaking informally with coaching guru Tony Robbins. JUST WATCH THE FIRST 5 MINUTES and if it doesn't make you want to watch the rest, I will literally, literally eat my shorts (you bring the 2 pounds of BBQ sauce I'm gonna need to eat them). THIS IS THE VIDEO THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

Get it now?

(skip this paragraph if you watced the videos) Now JUST IN CASE any of you skipped the video (which I'm sure none of you did), the main point goes something like this: Most people don't accomplish the goals they want to accomplish because they don't actually believe, or can't picture themselves, accomplishing the goal. So they don't take action (because they don't think they can do it), and as a result, don't get any results. When they don't get results, it reaffirms their belief that they can't accomplish that goal.

(skip this one too if you watched the video) So how do you break that cycle? By envisioning yourself accomplishing those goals. If in your mind you can see yourself accomplishing a goal, and know with certainty that it can be accomplished, your actions will start to reflect that thinking. And as your actions align with your belief that you can accomplish that goal, you start to see results, which then reinforces your belief that you can accomplish the goal. Like I said, a little self-helpy, but it actually works AMAZINGLY well. 

So where am I going with all this? Well, I lost 2.6 pounds this week, for a total of 7.2 pounds lost so far (woohoo!). The black polo shirt I'm wearing as I write has always been a little tight on me, and needed some gentle stretching before I could put it on :) Today I put it on, and thought it was my OTHER, LARGER black polo (yes, I have multiple in different cuts, I'm a polo whore) because all of a sudden it wasn't tight! How'd this happen?

I started boxing twice a week. Since I'm paying a ridiculous $250 a month for this boxing gym, I'd really be an ass hole not to get my money's worth, so I've actually managed to go twice a week for the last 3 weeks.

Now the first time I went boxing, I didn't know shit about it, except it was supposed to be a good workout. But once I got there, and saw myself in hand wraps and boxing gloves, I started to see myself as a boxer, and as someone who went to the gym and exercised. I've always had the attitude that I hated the gym (my belief about myself), so as a result, I wouldn't go, and wouldn't get results. This REINFORCED my belief that I hated the gym, since my lack of going wasn't providing me with any results to prove that I didn't hate the gym, and just led to a big old circle of couch potato-ness.

But after getting over the initial hump of going boxing JUST ONCE, I started to picture myself as a boxer and as someone who enjoyed learning a new sport. Because I started to see myself this way, I took action that was in line with my beliefs, and started going boxing more. Then I started to see the results. And what were those? All of a sudden, my polo shirts fit, I have more energy, I look better, I feel stronger, and I'm getting better at boxing too! Seeing the results has reinforced my belief that I enjoy working out, which leads me to keep going back to boxing. TADA! My changed beliefs have changed my results!

How else did seeing myself this new way change my actions? Well there's this new burger place in my neighborhood I've been wanting to try called The Counter. Had dinner there after my workout today, and I'd like you to notice something about the following pictures:

Seeing it? Take a closer look at the plates... Why what's the? THERE'S FOOD LEFT ON THE PLATES! To be exact, there's half a bun, half of fried onion toppings, and half an order of fries (and some veggies and junk).

NOW I NEVER LEAVE FOOD ON MY PLATE. But as I was eating, and feeling like the type of person who's getting into shape and taking care of my body, I realized that I didn't need to eat THE ENTIRE MEAL. I could ACTUALLY leave food on my plate (gasp, oh no, what?). Yeah, this is not a standard thing for me, I've been referred to as the human vacuum at restaurants before, finishing everything on both my plate and my friends' plates.

So my belief that I was getting my body into shape extended past getting myself to the gym and made me make a different decision about how much food I was eating (now I suppose I could have had a salad or something for dinner, but a burger just tastes SO much better).

So moral of the story, pick one of your goals, and start envisioning every day what it will look and feel like to accomplish that goal. KNOW that you can accomplish that goal (even if you're just saying the words and don't believe them, YET). I think you'll be surprised how quickly your actions start to line up with your beliefs, and how quickly you'll actually start moving towards that goal. I know I have!

That's all for this week folks, if you've made it this far, leave a comment below with the current goals you're trying to accomplish, weight loss or otherwise!


P.S. If you're at all interested in the type of Internet Marketing that Frank Kern and John Reese were talking about, please please please reach out to me. I'm just starting on my own Internet Marketing journey and would LOVE for any and everyone to come along for the ride!


  1. Congrats Alex! p.s. the most amazing inspirational video ever is not available :(

  2. Hey Shane! You managed to get a sneak peak at my work in progress post, before all the video links were working, you sneaky sneaky you! :) Everything's up and running now and I highly recommend watching the videos. Thanks for all your support! ----Alex
