Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Quick Remote Update

So I've been delinquent recently :) Yes for those of you counting, it's been 3 weeks since my last update! This'll be a short one though, as I'm currently at 8,500 ft at the base of Alta Mountain in Utah (yeah ski trip!!!). You may also have noticed, no weight graph this week (it's on my desktop in NY). I think I'm still around 217 (had been down to 214 but that damn yoyo effect always seems to kick in), but won't know for sure until I weigh myself again next weekend.

So something I've realized on this ski trip is the importance of doing exercise that you actually enjoy doing. Seems obvious, but I'm willing to but there isn't a single machine at the gym that most people enjoy working out on. Maybe the group fitness classes people enjoy (I know I look great in spandex), but other than that, going to the gym for most people is a pain in the ass.

Now skiing on the other hand, is not only a lot of fun, but it's a kickass workout with an amazing view. And remember, I HATE working out. That being said, I pushed myself really hard yesterday to carve my turns and not stop a lot, resulting in VERY sore muscles and one VERY winded dude. And then I did it again today, and I'll do it again tomorrow. Moral of the story: Find exercise that you enjoy doing for more than the sake of getting in shape (and no, competitive speed eating doesn't count). That way, you don't think of exercise as exercise, but as something fun you just enjoy doing.

Unfortunately skiing's not the type of thing I can do after work every day, but I'm putting some thought into other activities I might enjoy for more than just the sake of exercise (Dodgeball League? Roller Dancing? Slow Motion Jujitsu? <-made that last one up, but it would be pretty sweet).

And on a last note:

My view from the lodge as I'm writing this (~8,500 ft)

View from the top of Alta (~10,000 ft), looking into Snowbird

View from top of the Alta lift, no complaints here!

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