Sunday, June 26, 2011

EPIC FAIL!!! How I set out to lose 40 pounds and lost 7!!!


AND EPIC FAIL!!! Well, not completely, but my birthday's now come and gone, and instead of loosing the 40 pounds I was planning to lose, I've lost 7.... Crap...

On the upside, I lost 7 pounds! Which means I am OFFICIALLY NO LONGER OBESE! My BMI has gone from 30.1 to 29.2 (over 30 being obese, 25-29.9 being overweight), and I gotta say, my clothes are definitely fitting me a little more loosely. O.K. let's be honest, my clothes are fitting me again, period :)

So what've I learned over the last 6 months:

1. Losing weight's a whole lot more challenging than I thought it would be! You can see above how my weight's Yo-Yo'd over the last 6 months. I'll have one or two really good weeks, then I feel like I've got things under control and stop tracking my points and BAM, I'm up another couple pounds.
2. I really like food. I mean I knew this before, but I REAALLLYY like food, and good (read: unhealthy) food at that.
3. It pays to be an underachiever (when exercise is involved). What I mean is, if I tell myself I'm going to the gym to spend 40 minutes on the treadmill, I'll never do it. However if I tell myself I'm only going to do 20 minutes (while watching an episode of South Park on my iPhone), then I'll almost always make it to the gym. I'll actually only do 20 minutes, but 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week is definitely better than 40 minutes of cardio 0 times a week :) Then if I'm super motivated I'll lift or do some muscle building stuff (yes, stuff, this is the extent of my workout knowledge).
4. I have a problem with chocolate. No really. There are days at work, where candy bowls abound, that I'll eat up to 10 pieces of candy. 10!

Anyway, I plan to spend some more time reflecting on the weight loss journey of the past 6 months, but I've got other stuff I have to get done tonight. One important things I'd like to point out though is:


Even though I didn't meet my 6 months goal, I'm not giving up on losing weight, and I plan to continue to post my weight and experiences with food every week on the blog. So stay tuned for further pound shedding!

And on a last note, I'd like to share with everyone what my shopping list looks like for a week. Some of this stuff (mustard, OJ, Cranberry juice, bagels, whitefish) will last me more than a week, but this pretty covers me for lunch every day and the 2 dinners this week I plan to eat at home. I'll maybe dive into this further next week, but had the screen shot in front of me so wanted to share.

Until next week!
